

Can food cause acne?

For years, people with acne have wondered if their diet affects their skin. Most dermatologists are pretty adamant in saying "No, diet does not cause acne." This is because, until recently, large scale scientific data was lacking. However, new developments suggest that diet may play a factor in causing or influencing the severity of acne.

 A few main foods have come to the forefront:
--Milk: Two large controlled trials found that cow's milk increased both the number of people who got acne and its severity. Milk contains large amounts of testosterone and other androgens. These hormones directly feed into the oil glands that produce acne.

--High glycemic foods: These include simple carbohydrates such as bread, rice, cereal, pasta, sugar, and flour. Other large randomized prospective controlled trials found that people who had higher simple carbohydrate intake had significantly more acne. Furthermore, low-glycemic diets in under-developed parts of the world were associated with reduced incidence of acne.  These simple carbohydrates quickly raise insulin levels, stimulating acne lesions.

So contrary to previously held views, diet may have a role in triggering acne. A good regimen from your dermatologist combined with a balanced diet is a surefire way to insure that clear, glowing skin that you desire!