

Losing the Post C-Section Bulge Today

( - Roslyn, NY, January 2010

With the cesarean section rate on the upswing in the United States, also growing is the number of women seeking ways to reduce the “c-section bulge” that often sits just above the scar. A new safe and fast fat removal technique may be the answer, says Dr. Mohiba Tareen, clinical instructor in Dermatology at Columbia University and cosmetic dermatologist with Advanced Dermatology of New York and New Jersey, who recently used the new laser system herself.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2007, the most recent year for which statistics are available, nearly one third (32%) of all births were cesarean deliveries, a number that has been growing steadily for the past two decades. Many women who have had c-sections complain about a bulge or pouch just above their surgical scar that is very resistant to diet and exercise.

Until recently, in fact, the only sure way to remove that extra fat was through surgery, liposuction or a tummy tuck. However, says Dr. Tareen, the Zeltiq cool sculpting system shows promise in helping women regain their pre-pregnancy shape. “As a board-certified dermatologist on staff at Columbia University, I am sometimes skeptical of claims made by manufacturers of the new laser systems for skin tightening and weight loss,” Dr. Tareen says. “However, I am pleasantly surprised by Zeltiq. I underwent a one-hour treatment on my abdominal area, on the area above my c-section incision, and within four weeks I began seeing excellent results.

“It is a ‘dirty little secret’ that women often develop a little pouch of tissue above their cesarean scars due to tissue laxity. This area is quite difficult to treat even after all of the pregnancy weight has been lost. I treated this area and am seeing a great flattening and tightening effect,” Dr. Tareen says. “Zeltiq has accomplished what I could not do with diet and exercise, including weekly two-hour abdominal exercise classes. This new procedure, which is safe, non-surgical and affordable, gives hope to all the other mothers who have had c-sections.”

Zeltiq is one of only two non-invasive fat-reduction methods to be approved by the Food & Drug Administration. The procedure’s CoolSculpting device uses controlled cooling (selective cryolipolysis) to essentially freeze fat cells in the area being treated. The cold causes the fat inside the cells to crystallize, which kills the cells and allows them to be reabsorbed into the body. According to Dr. Joshua Fox, director of Advanced Dermatology, P.C. of NY and NJ and a spokesman for both the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, fat cells, like all other types of cells in the body, die naturally on their own. “Zeltiq speeds the process, reducing the number of fat cells in the area being treated and reducing the overall mass of fat in that area.” After about three or four months (the time it takes the cells to die and disappear), you’ll see a slimmer bulge, he says.

About the size of a fat paperback novel, the Zeltiq device is attached to a small hose that delivers suction. During treatment, the doctor skillfully places the device over the area to be treated, where it pulls the bulge into place and administers a dose of fat-freezing cold; a treatment lasts about an hour. “Most people report little to no pain or discomfort,” says Dr. Fox. “You’ll feel a slight tug and your skin getting cold, then going numb as the cells are frozen.” Following the procedure patients might see some redness or rarely bruising, but most patients say they don’t see any negative effects. Although most patients get significant improvement with just one treatment, the area can be retreated for more dramatic improvement.

Dr. Fox says that while Zeltiq just may be the answer new moms are seeking to help them look and feel better about their appearance, women should consider the following when considering a Zeltiq removal procedure:

• Do you have a noticeable bulge above your c-section scar that you
would like to reduce?
• Do you want natural-looking results without surgical intervention?
• Do you want a procedure with minimal pain or discomfort?
• As a new parent, do you need a procedure with no downtime?
• Do you prefer a natural process over drugs, chemicals or surgery?

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