

Could my white spots be vitiligo?

Vitiligo, which presents with milky white patches on the skin, is of significant social stigma in the Desi community. It interferes with marriages, jobs, and overall quality of life. Scientiifically, vitiligo is characterized by destruction of melanocytes (the pigment producing cells). It is estimated that up to 2% of the worldwide population is affected by vitiligo- and perhaps even more among Desis!

The precise underlying etiology of vitiligo is unknown, it is generally thought to be a multi-factorial disease. This means that it is likely a combination of your genetic background, combined with some other factor that brought out the vitiligo (such as an auto-immune tendency).

The most common areas to be affected by vitiligo include the backs of the hands (dorsal hands), genitals, face, neck, and scalp.

However, do not just assume that all white spots are vitiligo. There are many conditions that can present with white spots on the skin. These include:

-Post inflammatory hypopigmentation: after the skin cells get inflammed (ie from prior acne, eczema or psoriasis) they temporarily stop making pigment. This is particularly common in desi skin, as our pigment cells are very sensitive.

-Pityriasis alba: light spots typically on the cheeks of kids, thought to be a mild form of dry skin/ eczema

-Lichen cclerosus: White patches, most commonly in the genital area, but can present anywhere on the skin

-Sarcoidosis: An auto-immune skin disorder that can present with whitening of the skin

-Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis: confetti like white dots on the skin due to sun damage over time

-Leprosy: White patches typically with decrease in sensation

-Chemical leukoderma: Various chemicals (such as the accelereator PPD, also found in black hair dye!) can cause white patches on exposure

This is really just a very small list. If you are concerned you may have vitiligo, I would suggest you see your primary doc or a derm to help with the condition. Sometimes, if indeed the white spots are vitiligo, you need to have your blood checked for thyroid, diabetes, or other auto-immune conditions.

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